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Join the NZCDS

To Join the NZCDS, download the below Membership form - the details where to send this to are on the Membership Form. 
Joining the NZCDS means that you are able to enter NZCDS affiliated events, take advantage of Training that the society offers, participate to meetings and more. We are a friendly bunch! 

NZCDS Membership for 2024/2025

Join, Rejoin or Renew your annual membership using either this online form, or use the PDF version above. For a full description of the membership types, please open the NZCDS Membership Form PDF above. 
If you are completing a FAMILY MEMBERSHIP - Please enter the details for each Family Member on 1 form each, and use the Family membership option, and ensure that the postal address is the same for all members. This will connect the family membership to the one fee.

Please Note: The NZCDS Swingletree (the Society Newsletter) is only available in email form for all new members from June 2024 onwards.  

Select your membership type
If Yes, Which of the following is your 'home' club?

Thanks for joining NZCDS.
Subs must be paid online by Direct Credit payment to

ANZ account:01 0678 0037229 00
Please use your surname as payment reference.

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